Block Patterns

Circle Of Friends Block Pattern

Welcome back, quilters! Today, we’re diving into the intricacies of the CIRCLE OF FRIENDS block pattern. Known for its captivating design and versatility, this pattern offers endless possibilities for creative expression. Whether you’re a seasoned quilter or just starting on your quilting journey, mastering this block will undoubtedly add a touch of elegance to your projects. So, let’s explore how to create this timeless design step by step.

The CIRCLE OF FRIENDS block is characterized by its central circular motif surrounded by smaller blocks, creating a sense of unity and connection. The circular centerpiece symbolizes friendship and camaraderie, making it a popular choice for quilts meant to be shared with loved ones.

The CIRCLE OF FRIENDS block pattern is a popular and timeless design in the world of quilting, known for its striking visual appeal and symbolic representation of unity and camaraderie. This pattern typically features a central circular motif surrounded by smaller blocks, creating a sense of connection and harmony within the quilt design.

Circle Of Friends Block Pattern
Circle Of Friends Block Pattern

One of the most captivating aspects of the CIRCLE OF FRIENDS block pattern is its versatility. Quilters can interpret and adapt this pattern in numerous ways to suit their individual style and preferences. Whether you’re drawn to traditional quilting techniques or more modern approaches, the CIRCLE OF FRIENDS pattern offers endless opportunities for creativity.

The circular centerpiece of this block serves as the focal point, drawing the viewer’s attention and infusing the quilt with a sense of balance and cohesion. Surrounding the central circle are smaller blocks, which can be arranged in various configurations to achieve different visual effects. Quilters often play with color placement, fabric choices, and block arrangements to create unique and personalized interpretations of the CIRCLE OF FRIENDS pattern.

Materials Needed:

Before we begin, gather the following materials:

  • (4) 5-¾’’ squares fabric A
  • (4) 5-¾’’ squares fabric B
  • (4) 2-½’’ squares fabric C

Read through all instructions before beginning. Remove wild. Sew pieces right sides together and use a ¼’’ seam throughout unless otherwise stated.

Half-Square Triangles:

Draw a diagonal line on the wrong side of the 5-¾” fabric A squares. Draw another diagonal between the remaining corners.

Place a marked fabric A square right sides together with a 5-¾” fabric B square. Sew a ¼” seam on each side of the drawn line. In the same manner, stitch on each side of the remaining diagonal line.

Align the short end of a ruler with the straight edge of the squares and the long side centered at the intersection of the diagonal lines. Cut the square in half, but leave the cut pieces in place. Without disturbing the shape of the original square, cut the square in half again in the same manner, dividing it into quarters.

Cut the square quarter-sections apart on the drawn lines. Open and press. Makes 8 half-square triangles (HST) units. Make a total of 32 HST units.

Block Assembly:

Referring to the Block Assembly Diagram, and notation placement and orientation, sew 8 HST units and (1) 2-½’’ fabric C square into 3 rows of 3 HSTs/square each. Join the rows to make one section. Make 4 sections.

Sew the sections into 2 rows of 2 sections each. Join the rows to make the block. Note that this block finishes out to 12’’ square and doesn’t require a frame.

Creative Ideas:

Once you’ve mastered the basic CIRCLE OF FRIENDS block pattern, unleash your creativity with these ideas:

Experiment with different fabric combinations to achieve various effects.
Add embellishments like embroidery or appliqué to personalize your blocks.
Incorporate the blocks into quilts, table runners, or decorative pillow covers for a stunning visual impact.

Discovering the intricate beauty of the CIRCLE OF FRIENDS block pattern has never been easier! For your convenience, we’ve provided access to the pattern in PDF format below. Simply click the link to explore step-by-step instructions and begin your quilting journey with this timeless design. Happy quilting!


The CIRCLE OF FRIENDS block pattern is a timeless design that symbolizes unity and connection. With its simple yet elegant layout, this pattern offers endless possibilities for creative expression in quilting projects. By following this comprehensive tutorial and exploring your creativity, you’ll soon master the art of creating stunning CIRCLE OF FRIENDS blocks that will surely become cherished pieces in your quilting repertoire. So, gather your materials and start stitching your way to beautiful, meaningful creations!

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