Looking to transform your old jeans into something fashionable and functional? The Band Together Denim Tote, designed by the talented Linda Turner Griepentrog, is a fantastic way to repurpose denim and create a casual yet trendy bag.
This sewing project, suitable for intermediate crafters, not only showcases the unique texture of denim but also adds a touch of creativity by featuring waistbands as a prominent design element. Let’s dive into the details of this exciting tutorial!
Before you start, gather the following supplies:
- Coats Dual Duty XP® All-purpose thread
- 4-6 pairs of assorted denim jeans with a waist circumference of at least 20” (50.80cm)
- 1/2 yd (45.72cm) denim, 60” (152.40cm) wide
- 1/2 yd (45.72cm) striped fabric for lining
- 1 3/4 yds (1.60m) medium-weight fusible interfacing, 20” (50.80cm) wide
- 1 1/3 yds (1.22m) faux leather strapping, 1” (2.54cm) wide
- Swivel hook, 3/4” (1.91cm)
- Size 100 topstitching or denim machine needles
- Zipper foot
- Spring clips
- Pattern tracing paper